When you make a choice to pay off your debt, you’ll probably want to start figuring out ways to bring in some extra cash to help. This is especially true if you find out during your budgeting process that things are worse than you thought they were. In any case, there are lots of ways to find extra cash for debt payoff.
Get a Side Gig
You can find a side gig that you do in your spare time like babysitting, dog walking, house sitting, house cleaning, or anything you think you’d be interested in doing. Look at Thumbtack.com to get some ideas. You can also become a virtual assistant, content writer, graphic designer, or any other side hustle that will generate cash fast.
Find a Part-Time Job
If you aren’t comfortable starting something on your own, you can also get a part-time job. Some flexible job ideas to look for include jobs like retail merchandiser, parking assistant, and other part-time jobs on job boards.
Sell Your Junk
If you have a house (or a garage, and especially a storage unit) full of stuff you don’t even use, it’s time to sell it. You can sell things on the Facebook Marketplace, Ebay, at a garage sale, and on consignment
Use Your Credit Card Rewards
Since you have credit cards, check out the rewards you’re not using. You never know when you can add some cash to your pocket from these rewards.
Switch to a No Fee Bank
If you currently have a bank that charges fees, find one that doesn’t. While you’re at it, find an account that pays interest on your balance. Credit unions and many online banks like Ally.com are good options to lower your fees. Five bucks here and there does make a difference.
Use an FSA or HSA
If it’s an option for you, a great way to find more cash is using a flexible spending account or a health spending account to help lower your tax liability by paying for these expenses with pre-tax dollars.
Have you got any more helpful tips?
Let me know in the comments box below