Do you often feel like your finances, schedule and even your thoughts are out of control? Does the clutter and chaos in your home give you stress and anxiety when what you really seek is joy, peace and rest? Do you feel like your family’s health and well-being are suffering due to a lack of organization?
I can totally relate. At the start of each new week (or season or year), I’d get this feeling of being totally overwhelmed by the chaos in my life. This feeling would be followed by the need to clean and organize everything, in an effort to feel better and gain some control. I’d launch into a psychotic organizing frenzy, which quickly burnt me out. So I’d “fall off the wagon.” Things would pile up and my schedule, home and life would spiral out of control again.
I had trouble keeping track of stuff, trouble getting projects done on time, and trouble keeping anything neat for very long. I’d vow to do better next time. I’d embark on one epic cleaning and organizing binge after another, and the cycle of struggling would continue.
It wasn’t until I was injured by the clutter in my own home – yes, I was physically injured by my own mess – that I was ready to do whatever it took to get organized for real.
I started to get serious about finding organizing solutions that really worked for chronically messy and busy moms like me.
I discovered that if I regularly practiced a few basic strategies in five key areas of organization, everything else in my life seemed to fall into relatively good order. I began to experience lasting joy and peace, and I even started noticing that my home seemed more comfortable and my family was happier, too.
I shared my tips with friends and family members and they encouraged me to write a book about them. So in an effort to help others like me keep their crazy busy lives organized, I wrote the electronic book, “Organized for Real: How to Conquer Life’s Top 5 Chaos Hotspots.”
This e-book is jam-packed with 76 pages of helpful (and practical) information about how to organize your mind, your schedule, your food, your finances and your home. And it is available for purchase today! I am so excited about this e-book because I truly believe it will be life-changing for many of you. The principles in this book have rocked my world!