Beating Procrastination in Your Life
Beating Procrastination in Your Life
Dear Friend,
Procrastination can be a crippling part of your life that causes undue anxiety, stress, and a lot of worry. It’s not as simple as saying “just stop procrastinating”, because that doesn’t help.
There are varying degrees of procrastination, and sometimes it can literally cripple your advancement in work or your personal life. It can seriously be a very scary condition, because you constantly think “tomorrow will be different”, but unfortunately, it never is, and if it is, it’s not consistently different. One good day may be productive, and you hope it will continue, but that’s just not always the case.
I think we all can agree that everybody procrastinates from time to time, but sometimes the condition tends to take over your life and you feel doomed and not able to control it.
This condition can actually go on for months, if not years, with no permanent resolution. We usually try to hide the fact that we are procrastinating because we are ashamed of ourselves and will act upbeat and positive, because it’s embarrassing to admit that there is a problem, and you can’t solve it.
People don’t want to talk about it if the condition is severe, as they fear people won’t understand what is happening to them and may even ridicule them or label them as lazy.
This is just not true. People who procrastinate have underlying issues that can be affecting them; they need someone who can help them pinpoint the real issues so that they may overcome these problems and get on with a happy and productive life.
Some reasons why people suffer with procrastination can be:
- Fear: Of change, success, failure, etc., – This results in what we call Dread Based Procrastination. Dread is unfortunately a major force in a lot of people’s lives.
- Excessive Perfectionism.
- Home/Family or Work Issues/Problems
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Pain, illness/suffering
These are just some of the reasons; procrastination can be a complex issue, and it’s necessary to identify which issue or issues applies to YOUR situation so you can learn the steps you need to overcome this debilitating problem in your life!
“Don’t let this problem dominate your life for longer than it already has. Let us help you define the issues, problem solve, and give you an action plan that will not overwhelm you!”
Imagine kicking procrastination to the curb and see yourself getting things done on time, without issue.
Imagine enjoying tasks being finished that you’ve been dreading all this time. You will have a huge weight lifted from your shoulders.
Getting your life back after procrastination is entirely possible! Even better, is that you can get started now!
This course has been created through years of research, experimentation and self awareness. It will help you to face facts, identify why you are procrastinating and what to do about it. It includes strategies, tips and actions for you to take to finally crack your procrastination habit.
You will learn how to become a person who:
- Knows how to plan to avoid procrastination
- Can spot symptoms of procrastination and determine strategies to overcome them
- Is able to flexibly adjust your activity get things done
What the course will cover:
This is an online course so you can do it from wherever in the world you are. All you need is an internet connection and your preferred device.
Over 8 weeks you will be given:
- 8 video lessons that are packed full of information in easy to understand chunks and great examples. This means you can see the technique in action and learn how to apply them for yourself.
- Text transcriptions of the videos that you can easily refer to without needing to rewatch the videos, unless you want to!
- Actions to take at the end of each of the video lessons to help you to safely put the tips and techniques into action and get comfortable in applying them.
- Short quizzes at the end of each section to show how you’re progressing and how well, you’ve understood the course material.
That’s $1,000 in value that this course gives you and once you start using the information and techniques that true value of your results will be enormous.
Here are just a few things you will learn in the course…
- How to understand why you procrastinate
- What throws us off course
- How to eliminate distractions
- Apps and websites to use to avoid distractions
- How to set SMART goals
- How to use the Pomodoro Technique
- Daily planning and preparation strategies
- The power of the 2 minute rule
You will never change unless you take action on this; stop procrastinating now and give yourself a chance by taking our proven course today.
Is the course worth the money?
Ask yourself how much your lack of focus and procrastination has cost you over time.
All those extra hours of work, the lost sales and missed deadlines.
And of course, you can’t put a price on the family time you’ve squandered away due to work…
For only $97, you can get your life back.
Will I have enough time to do this?
If you invest some time up front, the benefit in terms of what you will get in the long term as you avoid procrastinating on the important things in your life and work will be invaluable.
To quote the course, all you need to do is get started and take a small action every day and you will complete the course and start to see big changes.
What Does All of This Cost?
Well, you can see the course offers lots of value, yet the price of this course is less than you’re probably expecting.
It’s much less than it should be, considering the value provided.
But I know it’s unlikely you’d have a stray $1,000 (total course value) lying around.
That’s why it’s priced at a very affordable $97.
But let’s make this offer even better for you.
How about a No Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee?
That’s right.
Take a look through the materials and if you think it’s not worth the money you can ask for a full refund.
Just to sum it all up for you, this is what you’ll get when you buy this course:
You’re getting access to Beating Procrastination valued at $1000.
You’re getting access to proven technique and years of experience.
And all for $97.
AND you’re getting a 100% money back guarantee!
Join now and get ready to overcome all of your procrastination.Beating Procrastination in Your Life